PART 116: It might be interesting to share how we pulled off living in Italy for part of the year. I will post some steps and what we are learning along the way.
We love every minute of it, and what was once a dream is our life!
We live in Tuscany in the Fall, then back again in the Spring, and in California for the rest of the time (in a previous blog, I explained why we live in Italy only part of the year).
Step 1: As we explore areas in Italy, we discover some gems that are worth sharing. Some are well-known tourist magnets, and others are lesser-known but always amazing.
This week, come with me as I share how my book presentation went in Rome.

Step 2: Italian version?
I was thrilled when my book about Rome, "She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome," was published in Italian. Having a book about Italy published in Italian has been a long-time dream of mine, and it seemed like an impossible goal to reach. However, Alpes Libri in Rome liked the book, so they signed a contract with the publisher, and the Italian version was released last September.
Step 3: Marketing.
Getting a book published is just the beginning, not the end. The next step is getting people to buy the book. While major publishing houses have large advertising budgets, I usually work with small or midsize publishers, which means I am responsible for most marketing efforts.
Step 4: Historical libraries.
In a previous blog post, I mentioned that when I spend an extended amount of time in Rome, I often visit one of the city's historical libraries to study and write. My favorite historical library in Rome is Biblioteca Vallicelliana (, located near Piazza Navona. The library's impressive 16th-century lecture hall has recently been restored.
During one of my visits, I inquired whether they host lectures or presentations in that hall. The staff member on duty informed me that they do and provided me with the email of the person to contact if I was interested in presenting something about Rome from a Californian perspective.
I sent an email, and, to my surprise and delight, I was invited to present at the library on September 11, 2024.
Step 5: The preparation.
I started thinking about how to present specific themes from the book in a captivating and interactive manner. Given my 25 years of experience as a high school history teacher in Los Angeles, I wanted to utilize my classroom expertise to create a presentation that would hold the audience's attention. I began reflecting on how to present some themes in the book in an interesting and interactive way.

Step 6: The presentation.
Before the presentation, I created a Google Slides show over several months. Since I am a visual thinker, and most of my high school students share this trait, I incorporated numerous images, photos, and gifs into the presentation to help convey my message.
I then considered which parts of the book would pique the interest of the invitees. The following topics seemed most intriguing:
- My personal story and how it influenced the book
- The stories of three street performers
- My fascination with archaeology and the narrative of my archaeology professor
- A journey through Rome: from 1300s Sweden to WWII, to a 15th-century fountain, a shopping mall from 110 A.D., and the university dating back to 1222
- My quest for Caravaggio
- Making sense of the Vatican Museums at night
I invited my translator, an Italian professor in California who also lives in Italy, to participate.

I aimed for an informal presentation format, walking among the approximately 25 attendees and narrating the city's captivating history while controlling the slides from my phone.
Step 7: Engaging or not?
When teaching high school students, I can quickly tell if they are engaged in the lesson. If I notice their attention waning, I switch to a different approach. However, with adult audiences, it's more challenging for me to gauge their level of interest. I kept the presentation to about 35 minutes, with a Q&A session.
Following the presentation, I invited questions from the audience, but there were few responses. Despite my attempts to engage them with questions, they didn't seem very interested in the interactive portion. Rather than insist on participation, I moved on.
To conclude, I provided information on where the book could be purchased and how to contact me, and I suggested a location for an aperitif.

Step 8: After the presentation.
One of the surest signs that a presentation went well is if the participants do not leave the room immediately. Most participants stayed for a significant time afterward, chatting, exchanging stories, and connecting with one another.
Step 9: The reward.
I invest the little money I make from my books into marketing, so the reward of writing a book or posting a blog is not financial.
As I greeted friends and acquaintances from my past and new friends in the present in the 16th-century conference hall, I realized this was the reward. Relationships.
For example, I interviewed "The Sparkle" in the chapter on street performers. She came to the presentation, and afterwards, she mentioned that she now lives in Arcidosso on Via San Nicoló, which is strange because my partner and I purchased a house on that same street.
I am still scratching my head. How is that possible?
It was also a joy to see Joseph, whom I interviewed in the book, present with his family. Two friends (who are excellent realtors), Sandro and Emanuele, came down from Tuscany just for the presentation.
There were others present from my past that I am not mentioning, but the whole experience filled me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
Insights: During my time in Italy, I learned that relationships matter most. As I observed the participants during the presentation and spoke with them afterward, I was again reminded of this truth. Ultimately, everything comes down to relationships.
More next time.
SECOND EDITION NOW ON SALE FOR $2.99! "She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome."
Amazon Italy- my book "Lei mi ha sedotto. Una storia d'amore con Roma":